Hatfield and the North – Mumps(Part3,4)

ハットフィールド・アンド・ザ・ノース、1975年の名作「The Rotters’ Club」収録の大曲、Mumpsの後半です。

Part3はPrenut(3:55)、Part4はYour Majesty is Like a Cream Donut(Loud)(1:37)という名前がついてます。ちなみに彼らのAftersというコンピレーションアルバムではこのPart3,4だけが収録されてます。


さてこの曲、例によってDave Stewartの作品です。







Hatfield and the North – Mumps(Part3,4)」への4件のフィードバック

  1. Martin Scudamore

    Hi. I love your work!
    Sadly I speak no Japanese, so do not even know your name, and I am only guessing that this is a feedback or contact form. If I have misunderstood, I apologise. If not, can we communicate in English at all? (or French or German?) I would love to talk about your wonderful versions of Hatfield and the North, in particular.
    Best wishes

    1. 柊しじま 投稿作成者

      Thank you for visiting my website.
      I’m not so good at English, but I’ll make an effort with dictionary. Though I may not answer very much, it is because I am busy in music. Take it easy.

      1. Martin Scudamore

        Thank you Holly, for your reply. Your English is excellent, just like your very fine music.
        I understand that making so many great tracks means a lot of work, so I don’t want to take a lot of your time.
        I can’t believe you like so many of my favourite bands. I found your site because I dug out my old electric guitar and planned to do my own versions (using GarageBand) of Sylvia and Lounging There Trying, and possibly Maybe I’m Amazed and some others. I worked out the lead line of Lounging There Trying almost forty years ago, but wanted to help my memory, so looked to see if anyone had posted the chords online . When I found your full version I was at once thrilled, and despondent, because mine won’t be half as good.
        But I would be interested to know if you have written out scores for any of your Hatfield tracks. I would love to see them! I could offer in exchange to score anything you need but don’t have time to do! Under Dub, for example?
        Best wishes


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